

The Rights of Requesters and the Responsibilities of 博彩平台网址大全 (WCC) under the Virginia 信息自由法

弗吉尼亚信息自由法案(FOIA),位于§2.2-3700 et. seq. of the Code of Virginia, guarantees citizens of the Commonwealth and representatives of the media access to public records held by public bodies, public officials, and public employees.

公共记录是任何文字或记录——不管它是否是纸质记录, an electronic file, 录音:录音或录像, 或任何其他格式-准备或拥有的, 或由公共机构或其官员拥有的, 从事公共事务的雇员或代理人. 所有的公共记录都应该是公开的, 只有在特定情况下才可以保留, 法定豁免适用.

The policy of FOIA states that the purpose of FOIA is to promote an increased awareness by all persons of governmental activities. 推进这一政策, 《博彩平台网址大全》要求自由地解释法律, in favor of access, 任何允许保留公共记录的豁免都必须被狭义地解释.

Your FOIA Rights

  • 你有权查阅或索取公共记录的副本,或两者兼而有之.
  • 您有权要求预先预估所请求记录的任何费用.  Public bodies must notify the requester in writing that the public body may make reasonable charges not to exceed its actual cost incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching for requested records and inquire of the requester whether he would like to request a cost estimate in advance of the supplying of the requested records.
  • 如果你认为你的《博彩平台网址大全》权利被侵犯了, 你可以向地区法院或巡回法院提交请愿书,要求遵守《博彩平台网址大全》. 或者,您也可以联系《博彩平台网址大全》理事会,以获得不具约束力的咨询意见.


  • 你可以索取美国的记录.S. 邮件,传真,电子邮件,亲自,或通过电话. 《博彩平台网址大全》并不要求你的请求必须是书面的, 你也不需要特别说明你是根据《博彩平台网址大全》要求记录的. 
    • 从实际的角度来看, 把你的请求写成书面形式,对你和收到你请求的人都有帮助. 这允许您创建请求的记录. 它也给了我们一个明确的声明,说明你需要什么样的记录, 这样就不会对口头请求产生误解. 但是,如果您选择不以书面形式提出,我们不能拒绝回应您的《博彩平台网址大全》请求.
  • 您的请求必须以“合理的特异性”确定您正在查找的记录.“这是一个常识性的标准. It does not refer to or limit the volume or number of records that you are requesting; instead, it requires that you be specific enough so that we can identify and locate the records that you are seeking.
  • 您的请求必须要求提供现有的记录或文件. 《博彩平台网址大全》赋予你查阅或复制的权利 records; it does not apply to a situation where you are asking general questions about the work of WCC, 也不要求WCC创建一个不存在的记录.
  • 你可以选择接收任何格式的电子记录 博彩平台网址大全 在正常的业务过程中. 
    • For example, 如果您要求保存在Excel数据库中的记录, 您可以选择以电子方式接收这些记录, 通过电子邮件或电脑磁盘, 或者收到这些记录的打印副本
  • 如果我们对您的要求有疑问, 请配合工作人员的努力,澄清您正在寻找的记录类型, 或者试图就一个大请求的响应达成一个合理的协议. 根据《博彩平台网址大全》提出要求并不是一个对抗的过程, but we may need to discuss your request with you to ensure that we understand what records you are seeking.

向博彩平台网址大全索取记录, 你可以直接向玛琳达·普尔·埃弗索尔提出要求.  Malinda Poole Eversole位于1000 E Main St., Wytheville, VA 24382; 276-223-4869. 通过电子邮件发送FOIA请求至  You may also contact Malinda Poole Eversole with questions you have concerning requesting records from 博彩平台网址大全.  

In addition, the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is available to answer any questions you may have about how FOIA works. The Council was created in the legislative branch of state government to issue opinions on the operation and application of FOIA, 出版教育资料, 并提供有关《博彩平台网址大全》的培训.  However, please be aware that the Council is not a records repository and does not process records requests on behalf of other public bodies, 该委员会也不是一个调查或执法机构.  可通过电子邮件foiacouncil@dls与理事会联系.virginia.或致电(804)698-1810或免费电话1 (866)448-4100. 


  • 博彩平台网址大全 必须在收到你的要求后五个工作天内作出回应.  “第一天”是指收到您的请求后的第一天.  五天的假期不包括周末或节假日.  五天期间不包括周末、节假日或其他日子 博彩平台网址大全 is closed for business.
  • 你要求公开记录的原因是 博彩平台网址大全 is irrelevant, 在我们回复您的请求之前,您不必说明您想要这些记录的原因.  然而,《博彩平台网址大全》允许 博彩平台网址大全 要求您提供您的姓名和法定地址. FOIA also allows 博彩平台网址大全 to deny your request for public records if you are not a citizen of Virginia or a representative of media with circulation in Virginia.
  • FOIA requires that 博彩平台网址大全 在五天内回应你的要求:
  1. 我们将向您提供您所要求的完整记录.
  2. 我们保留了你所要求的所有记录, 因为所有的记录都有特定的法定豁免. 如果所有记录都被扣留,我们必须以书面形式给你答复.  That writing must identify the volume and subject matter of the records being withheld and state the specific section of the Code of Virginia that allows us to withhold the records.
  3. 我们提供了你所要求的一些记录,但保留了其他记录. 如果只有一部分记录可以豁免,我们就不能保留整个记录.  In that instance, we may redact the portion of the record that may be withheld and must provide you with the remainder of the record.  Again, 我们必须以书面形式确认, the volume and subject matter of the withheld portions and state the specific section of the Code of Virginia that allows portions of the requested records to be withheld.
  4. We inform you in writing that the requested records cannot be found or do not exist (we do not have the records you want). However, 如果我们知道另一个公共机构有被请求的记录, 我们必须在给您的回复中包含其他公共机构的联系信息.
  5. 如果实际上是不可能的 博彩平台网址大全 在五天内回复您的要求, 我们必须以书面形式说明这一点, 解释导致反应不可能发生的条件. 这将使我们有额外七个工作日的时间来回复您的请求, 给我们总共12个工作日来回应您的请求. 在根据§2要求的刑事调查文件的情况下.2-3706.弗吉尼亚法典第1条, 我们有额外的60个工作日来回应你的要求, 给我们总共65个工作日来回应您的请求.
  • 如果你需要大量的记录, and we feel that we cannot provide the records to you within 12 working days without disrupting our other organizational responsibilities, 我们可能会请求法院给我们更多的时间来答复你们的请求.  However, FOIA requires that we make a reasonable effort to reach an agreement with you concerning the production or the records before we go to court to ask for more time.


  • 公共机构可收取不超过其实际使用成本的合理费用, duplicating, supplying, or searching for the requested records and shall make all reasonable efforts to supply the requested records at the lowest possible cost. 任何公共机构不得强加任何额外的, intermediary, or surplus fees or expenses to recoup the general costs associated with creating or maintaining records or transacting the general business of the public body. 公共机关收取的复制费,不得超过复制的实际成本. 在进行记录搜索之前, the public body shall notify the requester in writing that the public body may make reasonable charges not to exceed its actual cost incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching for requested records and inquire of the requester whether he would like to request a cost estimate in advance of the supplying of the requested records as set forth in subsection F of § 2.2-3704 of the Code of Virginia.
  • 您可能需要为您要求的记录付费 Wytheville CommunityCollege.  《博彩平台网址大全》允许我们对回应《博彩平台网址大全》请求的实际成本收取费用.  这将包括员工花在搜索上的时间, reviewing, copying, scanning, 并修改要求的记录, copying costs, 或与提供所要求的记录直接相关的任何其他费用.  它不包括一般管理费用.
  • 如果我们估计它将花费超过200美元来回应你的请求, 我们可能要求你付定金, 不超过预估的金额, 在继续你的请求之前.  The five days that we have to respond to your request does not include the time between when we ask for a deposit and when you respond.
  • You may request that we estimate in advance the charges for supplying the records that you have requested.  This will allow you to know about any costs upfront or give you the opportunity to modify your request in an attempt to lower the estimated costs. The five days that we have to respond to your request does not include the time between when we send you the estimate and when you respond.  如果您未在30天内作出回应,则您的请求将被视为撤回.
  • 如果您因之前的《博彩平台网址大全》请求而欠我们的钱超过30天未付, 博彩平台网址大全 在它回应你的新《博彩平台网址大全》请求之前,可能会要求你支付过期的账单.

Policy Regarding Fees

It is 博彩平台网址大全 对回应《博彩平台网址大全》请求的实际成本收取费用的政策.  我们按员工搜索的时间收费, reviewing, copying, scanning, 并修改要求的记录, copying costs, 或与提供所要求的记录直接相关的任何其他费用. 

博彩平台网址大全 does not charge a fee to provide scholastic records that must be made available for inspection pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) if the request for scholastic records is made by a parent or legal guardian of a minor student or by a student 18 years old or older, 或回复《博彩平台网址大全》要求的第一个小时.

复印费用应当根据打印的公共记录进行核算, 但不包括电子提供的公共记录. 


o纸质原件的纸质副本(B&W)                         $.25/page

o           比法律大大小纸副本                                   $ 1.00/page

o视频、CD、DVD等.                                                    Cost of reproduction

o           在全职员工时间(平均每小时率 )                     $ 25.00/hour         

博彩平台网址大全 也可按提供资料的媒介的实际费用收费(e).g.光盘、DVD、闪存等.),如果该媒介是由请求者所要求的, and for the actual cost of mailing the requested records if the cost is above the cost of the standard-sized flat rate envelope. 

博彩平台网址大全 will apply any costs we incur in estimating the costs of providing the requested records toward the overall costs to be paid by the requester.

Types of records

所持有的记录类型的一般描述如下 博彩平台网址大全






Capital Project









Risk Management


Workers’ Compensation

如果你不确定是否 博彩平台网址大全 有你需要的记录,请直接联系《博彩平台网址大全》官员.


《中国博彩平台》允许任何公共机构不向公众披露某些记录.  博彩平台网址大全 通常会保留记录,但有以下豁免:

  • Personnel records (§ 2.2-3705.弗吉尼亚法典第1(1)条)
  • 受律师-当事人保密特权约束的记录(第2条).2-3705.1(2))或律师工作产品(§2).2-3705.1 (3))
  • 供应商专有信息(§2).2-3705.1 (6))
  • 在授予合同之前,与合同的谈判和授予有关的记录(§2).2-3705.1 (12))
  • Scholastic records (Va. Code § 2.2-3705.4(1))


博彩平台网址大全 will invoke the personnel and scholastic records exemptions to protect the privacy of its employees and students. 博彩平台网址大全 will invoke the contract negotiations exemption whenever it applies to protect 博彩平台网址大全 bargaining position and negotiating strategy.


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